
In this blog, we see a comparison of what Linux can do that Windows can’t.

Linux offers capabilities that Windows lacks in several key areas:

  • Customization: Linux allows for far more customization than Windows. Linux is open source, so users can tweak and modify it to their liking. Windows is closed source and limits what users can change[1].
  • Privacy & Security: Linux has more inherent privacy and security features built into the OS. For example, Linux offers:
  • Better permission control over files and folders[2].
  • More control over updates/upgrades[3].
  • Less data collection by the OS[4].
  • Efficiency: Linux often performs better on the same hardware than Windows. It uses system resources more efficiently thanks to its modular architecture[5].
  • Stability: The modular structure of Linux also contributes to it being more stable and less prone to crashes than Windows[6].
  • Cost: Most Linux distributions are entirely free to download, use and modify. Windows requires purchasing a license.
  • Development: Linux offers better support for developers, web servers, databases, and other programming/development focused use cases. Developing software is generally easier on Linux.

Let’s explore some of these advantages in more depth:


One major appeal of Linux for tech enthusiasts is the ability to fully customize it to their liking. The open source nature of Linux allows users to tweak all aspects of the OS experience – something not possible with closed source Windows.

For example, Linux users can:

  • Change the desktop environment and window manager to completely alter the look and feel. Options like KDE, GNOME, Xfce, and many more exist.
  • Modify system components like the init system that controls startup and shutdown.
  • Automate workflows via powerful shell scripting.
  • Choose from different package managers and repositories for installing software.

Windows allows superficial customization like changing the desktop wallpaper. But Linux enables modification at a much deeper level. Tech savvy users love tailoring Linux to their exact needs and preferences.

Privacy & Security

Linux offers a more private and secure computing experience than Windows in several ways:

  • Permissions system: Linux has a robust permissions system for files/folders. Users can finely control access rights for owners, groups, and everyone else. Windows permissions are more coarse.
  • Updates: Linux users have more control over if/when to install updates. Critical updates can’t be forced onto Linux systems remotely like with Windows.
  • Data collection: Linux collects far less telemetry data about users than Windows 10 and 11. Linux distros don’t data mine users by default.
  • Viruses/malware: These are much rarer on Linux making it more secure for important work.
  • Encryption: Full disk encryption during installation is standard on many Linux distros. Windows requires manual steps to encrypt disks.

For users who value privacy and security, Linux provides benefits over Windows. Control stays in the hands of the user rather than Microsoft.


Due to its modular architecture, Linux frequently makes better use of available system resources than Windows. It can provide smoother performance on lower powered hardware.

Factors that improve Linux efficiency:

  • Lightweight design: The Linux kernel and components only load what’s needed into memory. Less bloat exists.
  • Customizability: Users can tweak settings for optimal performance on their specific hardware.
  • Open source: Developers continuously optimize performance across the entire open source ecosystem.

While Windows relies on brute force hardware improvements to run smoothly, Linux optimization provides a snappier experience on similar specs. Linux breathing new life into old PCs is a common tale.


The structure of Linux contributes to superior stability compared to Windows’ monolithic design. Individual Linux components are compartmentalized so bugs and crashes are less likely to take down the whole system.

Reasons Linux has better uptime:

  • Modular components: These are isolated so failures don’t cascade across the OS.
  • Better memory management: The Linux kernel handles memory allocation and release more efficiently.
  • Fast security updates: The open source community rapidly patches vulnerabilities. Installing the updates is quick and simple for users.
  • User space vs kernel space: Isolation between these spaces in Linux improves stability and security.
  • Backwards compatibility: Linux maintains compatibility with a wide range of legacy hardware and software.

While Windows has improved stability in recent years, Linux still experiences fewer crashes and issues when running indefinitely. Linux servers often run for years without problems.


Linux provides significant advantages for programmers and developers over Windows:

  • Programming tools: All standard development tools like compilers, debuggers, editors, etc are included. No hunting down coding tools.
  • Command line focus: The Linux shell enables efficient workflows for developers. Automation is simpler.
  • Open source ecosystem: Cutting edge open source technologies tend to hit Linux first. Contributing to projects is easier.
  • Server infrastructure: Linux dominates deployment for servers, databases, web hosting, containers, and cloud infrastructure. Developing for those environments is best done natively on Linux.

For coders who want access to innovative software and robust infrastructure, Linux has become the platform of choice over Windows. Much of the tech industry relies on a Linux stack for development and deployment.
