


After clearing graduate level of courses, students are left with a choice to either work in some government or private organization or go further for higher studies. Various funding agency also provides nominal funds to support students opting for higher studies. These agencies works at both national and international level. Even many big industries provide facilities for their employees to achieve various higher degree courses with sponsorship.

Studying in foreign universities is an emerging trend among Indian students. Many students opt to study abroad for higher studies after finishing their graduate studies in India. Among various destination, USA is the most popular and prominent choice for Indian students. As per the Open Doors data of IIE, the number of Indian students in US has reached its highest peak ever in 2016/17, jumping from 165,918 students to 186,267 students in the previous academic year. It’s an increase of 12.3 percent [1].

The main reasons that are behind this brain-drain are very crucial to understand for Indian universities to retain the status of world’s oldest higher-learning institutions such as Nalanda and Takshashila. Below we have mentioned some points that need to be improved in this regard.

1. Unlike Foreign universities where innovative and transformational approach are given priority, majority of Indian institution give it a secondary position [2]. The main goal is academic work completion that is merely paper work. Most of the Indian universities evaluate examiner based on how much of exam copy is filled with content rather than the quality of content.

2. Many private universities and colleges in India are hold by corrupt and dishonest politicians. As a result the marking system is totally paralyzed with nepotism, at least for internal marking scheme this is true for most.

3. Under several parliamentary act many private and public institutes were established in recent decades, but a very little attention is given to available infrastructure required for carrying out quality research and education.

4. Proper Industrial Exposure is needed to fill the gap between the requirement of industries and to what is delivered in institutes. In India the education system gives 80-90% weight-age to theory part whereas in foreign education system more emphasis is given to practical skills [3].

5. Financial assistance provided to researchers is very less compared to foreign universities which is itself a major cause for students to head towards foreign universities.

6. It has been observed that many Indian students and professionals who settled in foreign either for education or employment have performed as a masterpiece [4]. The Google CEO (Sundar Pichai) and Microsoft CEO (Satya Nadella)are two of those exemplary personality. Hence there is a need to improve our educational system, so that brain drain can be minimized.

#cost #Infrastructure #PoliticalInterference #Researchwork #HigherStudies


[1] “Trends in the United States” .

[2] Sheikh, Y. A. (2017). Higher education in India: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1 ).

[3] Dhenakaran, S. S., & Vijayakumari, S. (2017). Comparison of Education System in India and Other Countries. International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems, 5(2).


